Saturday, 9 April 2011

Simple things that YOU can do

A simple argument here....

Stephen Harper wins if young people don't vote. Young people don't vote if they're not inspired. We can't inspire them if they haven't heard of us.

We need to make the Beaver Revolution a phenomenon. That is all up to you. This is a call to action. Here are some things that you can do to grow the movement.
Invite people to the Facebook Page
Post the link to the page on your wall. Post our links on the walls of your friends and of other political groups and pages. Create a presence for us all over facebook. Challenge your friends to join the movement.

Follow us on twitter
Tweet and re-tweet or send @messages about the Beaver Revolution, some useful tags are #elxn41 #cdnpoli #votemob #lpc #ndp #gpc

Contact the Press! Get on tv, radio, podcasts, comment on blogs, even write to old-fashioned newspapers. Tell them all about our movement. 

Put up posters all over your town

Make flyers and pass them out, especially at campaign rallies.

Write about the Revolution on your blog.

Make youtube videos. Make them fun!

Create artwork.

Tell your friends!!!

Our success depends upon you. We can defeat Stephen Harper. All its gonna take is a little work....not that  beavers have ever been afraid of a little work.



  2. Just keep telling them that Canadians no longer accept Hate Speech in Canada & VOTE..

    With numbers on FB, that is very obviously controlled by FB also, why WE MUST ALL VOTE. :)

    ♥ Bless Our Canadian Hearts ♥

    "There is no try, only do." ~ Yoda!


  3. Its important to know where you stand. why is harper bad? voting is a way to effect change, but I think its important to know why.

  4. Its admirable that you're trying to encourage the youth to vote.

    But voting against Harper is no reason why anyone should vote at all, or why another party should get to elect.

    This is only a shallow exercise of your democratic rights, since you've defined your policy preferences only in the negative. These anti-Harper campaigns are not pro-anything. Well perhaps they are, since now the Liberals have lifted the NDP platform, and Layton's alright with that.

    Instead, people should find out WHY they don't like Harper's policies. They should instead say why they DO like the Liberal/NDP or Green platforms.

    There are many areas where all parties are Pro-X, but just have different approaches of achieving that end goal.

    For example, Education is a universally accepted good. The Conservatives want to invest money in recertification programs for educated immigrants to Canada to be able to practice their professions here. This will of course benefit the immigrant community, who constitute the backbone of Canada's future economic prosperity. The Liberals want to give 4,000 dollars for richer kids to go to university, and 6,000 for lower income kids to go to university. This will benefit these respective classes.

    Choosing which policy you like should not be reduced to anti-establishment rhetoric like this, but rather reflect your genuine policy preferences. Voting Conservative is not a Sin as groups like these would claim, neither is voting NDP, Liberal, or Green.

    Anti-establishment sentiment like this happens against the incumbent before every election. Its not a particularly long-term strategy for encouraging voter activity, as voting levels rise and fall with the general hostility towards the incumbent government.

    You might consider promoting political education generally along truly non-partisan lines as your site claims to aim for, rather than this anti-Harper "revolution".
